
Hamas Disguises Military Base As Hospital, Fools Everyone

“Stealth buildings” was the name of the game in the Hamas / Israeli war.

“We couldn’t figure out where the Hamas military strikes were coming from!” ~anonymous source inside military intelligence

The background

On October 7, 2023, Hamas launched a surprise attack on Israel from the Gaza Strip. Israel responded with a full-scale siege war in an attempt to end the violence using even more violence. 12,000 people have been killed at the time of this writing1.

But the Israeli’s couldn’t discover where the Hamas base was hidden, until recently…

The reason Hamas has been so successful thus far is that their military base was secretly hidden by disguising itself as a hospital!

“We can’t believe they lied! And during a war even!” ~Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu

We must agree with the Prime Minister: for people to kill each other fair and square, then lying by saying your military base is a baby hospital is just unacceptable - we suggest they call the whole war off.

The Discovery At The St. Flower of Forty Virgins Hospital

Yet as you can see from the featured photo at the top of this article, the Hamas base was well disguised using a real “hospital” sign out front. It was uncovered only by accident when an Israeli baby-milk delivery truck was turned away by guards in Palestinian garb wearing heavy assault weapons.

“When I saw military tanks and assault aircraft in the hospital parking lot, I thought ‘well that’s kind of odd.’ ~Enfamil driver

A typical vehicle parked at any hospital.

Once they realized that tanks and bombers were being deployed from the St. Flower of Forty Virgins Hospital, the jig was up!

Lessons Learned

We found this interesting quote on the discovery of the hospital being used as a military base:

“If we had known they were using hospitals as military bases, we might would probably should have bombed that first.” ~General Mei Heim

That’s some great advice. We here at the Daily Stinger aren’t military advisors, but here are some of our “Monday morning quarterback” observations anyway. We feel these are dead giveaways that something isn’t kosher about that hospital:

  • When you notice the hospital sign is written in English instead of Arabic, it might not be kosher.
  • If you see jet landing strips at hospitals - it might not be kosher.
  • Doctors usually take bullets out of people, while military puts bullets in, so when the “doctors” are packing full-auto with extra mags, that’s a sure sign that this place might not be kosher.
  • When the hospital places more orders for C4 than for bandages, it might not be kosher.

and lastly,

  • When you notice the first three rows of the parking lot are labeled “Tank Parking Only” - that’s right, it might not be Kosher.
No, this is not really Tylenol.