Cesar Hernandez

Cesar Hernandez spent the majority of his career as an electrical engineer. He began blogging under a pseudonym as a way to relieve stress. Later, after doing the math, he discovered he also had a great sense of humor, and became one of the founding members of The Daily Wire.

During college, Cesar came into possession of a pocket-sized, new-testament, Gideon Bible. He tore pages out of the Bible and used them to roll joints, but read them before smoking. When he got to John 3:16, he gave his life to Jesus and changed his ways forever.

Cesar is one of six remaining conservatives in California but refuses to move because he enjoys the opposition.

People often compliment me on how perfect my mid-western English accent is. I’m like “Bro, I don’t even know Spanish. I grew up in Pasadena.” ~Cesar Hernandez

Although Cesar is clearly Hispanic, he now identifies as a white man and claims to be “trying to catch vitiligo” in order to change into the body he was meant to have.

Cesar enjoys solving math problems for fun and loves to argue with Gretta Swanson over the importance of math during staff meetings.