
Time Magazine Struggles To Select Most America-Hating Leftist For 'Person of Year Award'

With so many leftists doing so much to wreck American culture and lifestyle, selecting just one is getting to be a real chore.

Man Person Of The Year Award

It’s that time of year again for Time Magazine to reveal their Man(dangit!) Person of the Year Award. This prestigious award is given to the person who has done the most to ruin the American dream through leftist dogma.

Previous notable winners of the Time Man (gotta stop doing that) Person of the Year Award include:

  • Adolf Hitler
  • Joseph Stalin
  • Nikita Khrushchev
  • Ayatollah Khomeini

… just to name a few of the prestigious alums of the award. So winning puts you right up there with the left-wing giants!

Loved America so much, he decided he wanted to own it.

The Short-List Of Choices

There are so many fantastic leftist out there doing so much to fix the problems in America it’s hard to choose. And America does have a lot of problems which need to be wiped out, such as: a successful economy, happy families, Christian churches, owning your own home, and hope.

Here is Time Magazine’s short list of nominees for those who have done the most good to further the leftist causes of turning America into a left-wing dumpster fire.

Before any ado’s are in any way furthered, let’s start with:

Chinese President Xi Jinping1

That’s right, Xi, leader of the Chinese dictatorship who broaught you the Tiananmen Square massacre. Xi is arguably the most powerful leader in the world. His recent accomplishments include:

  • buying the US election in 2020
  • installed President Brandon as America’s senile, puppet leader
  • acquiring all the lithium producing mines needed for global battery production
  • taking control of most African governments through financial manipulation
  • organ harvesting from Chinese citizens for sale to Muslims
  • creating a slave workforce of millions of his own people

From this list, and more, it’s clear that Leader Xi won’t rest until, not just America, but the whole world is under his socialist/communist thumb.

A dictator, but no 'Hitler mustache',
so he must be a great guy!

We think he has a great chance of winning this year!

The Trump Prosecutors 1

Laboring tirelessly to prevent Donald Trump from running for office by convicting him of any crime they can think of has been a work of passion for the Trump Prosecutors.

Unfortunately for the prosecutors, Donald Trump has implemented a little-used, seldom implemented “loophole” to get out of being convicted. It is known as “don’t break any laws”.

Trump's guilty of SOMETHING, we just need to figure out what it is.

This has been a real problem for the Prosecutors. None the less, their continuing efforts (5th round of fabricated indictments as of this writing!) need to be recognized!

The Hollywood Strikers 1

Screenwriters and actors from Hollywood were on strike for a large part of this year.

Hollywood’s primary job is to create entertaining leftist propaganda that destroys the moral fabric of the viewers over time. It’s a long-game strategy, but it does seem to be working.

Strikes are typically used to disrupt companies and economic supply chains, so striking against Hollywood is a strange and unfortunate backfire, as this strike prevented more terrible movies from being made.

We each make only MILLIONS of dollars each year,
we're mad as hell,
and we're not going to take it anymore!


We at the Daily Stinger supported the strike and hoped it would go on forever - but since this strike helped America by delaying terrible leftist movies from being made, we don’t see these people as the winners of this year’s award.

Barbie 1

We once viewed Barbie as the beautiful girl-next-door. Blonde, smiling, and as American as apple-pie and baseball.

Then the Barbie movie came out.

The Barbie movie was one of the highest-grossing and worst movies ever made. This delusional film is chocked-to-the-brim with “woke” messages and propaganda. The Barbie film was not just poorly written, it was misandrist (that’s “man-hating” for those of you in California), anti-family, anti-Christian, and filled with pretty-pink colored hatred.

I've got a new game we can play. It's called 'Corrupt Your Soul'. Trust me, you'll love it.

Setting this man-hating film up as something for little-girls to watch was a brilliant move by the leftist community. The long-term damage to future women’s psyche won’t be known for years, if ever. Kudos to the creators of this incredible propaganda piece!


Other possibilities include:

  • singer/performer Taylor Swift, who’s gyrations help keep our minds off of family, Jesus and America etc.
  • Sam Altman who created ChatGPT (a fake AI with leftist programming!),
  • and Federal Reserved Chairman Jerome Powell who has been helping to raise inflation in the U.S.

Almost There…

We at the Daily Stinger are on the edge of our seats to see who will win Time’s Man (we did it again!) Person of the Year award.

While we don’t know who the big winner is yet, we’re pulling for you Leader Xi ! Remember Xi, after you take over the world, we were always on your side!